Vampire horror adventure Shinkowa by full 3DCG and text!
(Ver.1.1.6)---------------------------------------------------------★第1章をクリアしやすくしました!★エンディングリストを追加!★お好みのサイズで読めるよう、フォントサイズ変更機能追加!-----------------------------------------------------------------------フル3DCGで描く、闇と血に彩られた吸血鬼ホラーアドベンチャー!口コミで女子高生に広まり、大人気を得た「歪みの国のアリス」に続くナイトメア・プロジェクトの第3弾タイトルが前編&後編で登場。++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“さまよう” “逃げる” “道を選ぶ”毎夜響く、少女を誘う謎の声。その声に導かれ、惨劇の幕が、今、静かにあがる…!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++★選択肢、マップ移動をタッチ操作にカスタマイズ★サウンドとグラフィックがクオリティアップ★This game is only available in Japanese.■ストーリー概要“血を もっと 血を” 毎夜響く、少女を誘う謎の声。声に導かれた彼女がその先で見たのは、血にまみれた「もうひとりの自分」だった…!惨劇の幕が、今、静かにあがる…!閉じられた建物内をさまよいながら、時には“追っ手から逃げ”、時には“道を選ぶ”。―あなたが何を選ぶのか、私はそれが知りたい―己の運命を受け入れ、悲劇を越えたその先で彼女が選ぶ道とは?濃密な闇と血の臭いの中、様々な思いが交錯する…。震恐の吸血鬼ホラーADVをごゆるりとお楽しみ下さいませ。※対応端末スペック:Android2.1以上、WVGA以上※本アプリのストーリーは携帯版「Seventh Blood Vampire 前編」と同じです。セブンスブラッドヴァンパイア 前編,7th Blood Vampire 1st(Ver.1.1.6) ------------------------------------------- --------------★ Chapter 1 it was easy to clear!★ Add ending list!★ so that you can read in the size of your choice, font size change function addition!-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------The draw in full 3DCG, vampire horror adventure that has been colored in darkness and blood!And spread to the high school girl in the review and continues to to give the popular "of distortion of Alice"3rd title of Nightmare project appeared in the prequel and sequel.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++and "wander" "run away" "to choose the road"Sounds nightly, voice of mystery that invites a girl.Is guided in his voice, the curtain of the tragedy, now, go up to the quiet ...!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++★ Customize option, the map moves to the touch operation★ sound and graphics quality up★ This game is only available in Japanese.■ Story Overview"The more blood the blood" sounds nightly, mysterious voice invites the girl.Led to the voice she was seen in the earlier, I was drenched in blood "of the other alone yourself" ...!Curtain of the tragedy, but now, go up to the quiet ...!While wandering in the closed building, sometimes "escape from pursuers", sometimes "to choose the road".- Do you have what to choose, I want to know is it -He accepts his own destiny, and the way that she chooses in its earlier beyond the tragedy?Among the dense darkness and blood of smell, various thoughts cross each other ....Not enjoy your Yururi and superb a vampire horror ADV of Shinkowa.※ corresponding terminal specs: Android2.1 or more, more than WVGA※ story of this application is the same as the mobile version of "Seventh Blood Vampire prequel".Seventh Blood Vampire prequel, 7th Blood Vampire 1stセキュリティレベルの向上